
Monday, June 13, 2011


When I found out I was pregnant, I worked really hard to watch what I put into and on my body - making sure it was the highest quality, organic foods; no sugar, alcohol, or caffeine; and I used all natural products, many that I made myself [see post]. After all this work and diligence, I didn't want what touches my baby's body to be anything less. So, before my daughter was born, I made a lot of the baby care products that you would typically buy in a store. Here are a few really simple recipes that I use and have found to be wonderful!

Bottoms-Up Salve

1 part calendula flower
1 part comfrey leaf
1 part comfrey root
1 part St.-John's-wort flower
1 part lavender [optional, my addition]
1 part chamomile [optional, my addition]
Olive oil
Grated or pearled beeswax

Combine herbs and store in airtight container. Make a solar infusion by steeping 2 ounces of the herb mixture in 1 pint of olive oil for 2 weeks in a sunny spot, shaking vigourously each day OR cook in double boiler or small Crockpot on very low heat for 3 - 4 hours [this is why I like the Crockpot option]. If you choose to do the solar infusion, at the end of 2 weeks, place in double boiler or Crockpot and heat on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain herbs from oil using a folded piece of cheesecloth secured over a glass jar.

To each cup of warm herbal oil, add 1/4 cup of grated beeswax [if you want a creamier salve use a heaping 1/8 cup of beeswax rather than the 1/4 cup - I actually prefer this]. You may want to warm the oil again to help melt the wax. When the beeswax is melted, check for consistency by placing a tablespoon of the mixture in the refrigerator for a few minutes. If the salve is too hard, add a little more oil; if too soft, add a little more beeswax, heat and re-test. Pour into a short glass jar. If stored in a cool area this salve can last for months, even years.

Don't let a missing herb stop you from making these. If you can't find something just skip it and use the others!

Baby Powder

2 parts arrowroot powder
2 parts white clay
1/4 part comfrey root powder
1/4 part slippery elm or marsh mallow root powder

Mix the ingredients together and place in a glass jar with a shake top [top is optional for ease of use], such as a spice jar.

For diaper rash, add this mixture to 1/8 part organically grown goldenseal powder, 1/8 part myrrh powder, and 1/8 part echinacea powder. You may lightly scent with a few drops of essential oil such as lavender, rose or chamomile [note: not all essential oils are appropriate for use on infant / child skin so be sure to become educated in essential oils if you decide to use something not listed above].

Apply as a powder or mix into a thin paste and apply as a poulstice to the rash [poulstice is a paste covered by a piece of gauze or muslin fabric and applied directly to the skin - in this case a cloth diaper can act as the cloth covering]. Store at room temperature for 6 months.

Baby Oil [great for after baths!]

1 ounce chamomile
1/2 ounce comfrey leaf
1/2 ounce roses
1 pint apricot or almond oil [I've also used extra virgin olive oil]

Mix herbs and oil and let sit in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid for 2 weeks in a warm, sunny spot OR cook in a double boiler or small crock pot on very low heat for 1 - 2 hours. After herbs are cooked, strain using a folded piece of cheesecloth over a glass jar. You may lightly scent with a few drops of essential oil such as lavender, rose or chamomile [note: not all essential oils are appropriate for use on infant / child skin so be sure to become educated in essential oils if you decide to use something not listed above]. Use and store at room temperature.

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