
Friday, October 21, 2011


Well today the weather outside truly is frightful. It is one of those damp-cold, chill you to your bones, rainy fall days here in the great state of Michigan. This means I have a great excuse to curl up with a good book and a cup of hot carob while my baby girl sleeps. For me, the only thing that can warm up my body on a day like this is a crackling fire and cup of warm something that presently happens to be "cocoa". Pair it with some homemade hazelnut milk [go here for a great instructional] and a little dairy-free hazelnut creamer and peace prevails.


Carob is the bean-like pod of a locust tree [rumor has it John the Baptist lived on locust, referencing the locust tree rather than bugs - I would feel better if this was true] and is an excellent replacement for cocoa. Carob is warming to the body so it's no surprise that I crave it on chilly days. It's alkalizing and is a wonderful source of calcium, potassium, and fair amounts of vitamins A and B. It also contains some protein and much less fat than chocolate [and is caffeine free]. One note, carob should be used sparingly with children as it contains tannin [like cocoa and tea]. Because tannin reduces the absorption of protein, it may slow down the growth of younger kids if taken in larger quantities.


2 c. homemade hazelnut milk [you can also purchase hazelnut milk however you loose a lot of the nutrients through the processing], reserve some of the nut "meat" and keep the other for another use
1 1/2 - 2 tbsp. carob powder [you can also use cocoa or cacao powder]
dash of cinnamon
pinch of sea salt

honey [raw, unprocessed] or maple syrup, to taste*
1/4 c. SoDelicious coconut milk creamer [optional]

In a blender combine all of the ingredients except for the honey and creamer. Blend on med-high until everything is will well mixed [30 - 60 seconds]. Pour into a medium saucepan and warm until a light boil begins, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and stir in honey if using. Pour into two mugs.

Rinse out blender. Pour in creamer or milk of choice and blend on med-high for about 15 - 20 seconds to get a little froth. Pour half of the creamer into one mug and half into the other, keeping the froth in the blender [there may not be a ton of froth, but work with what you have]. Gently pour or scoop froth into each mug. Grab your "cocoa", a blanket, a book or movie and curl up by the fire!

*If you are using SoDelicious Hazelnut Creamer or sweetened hazelnut milk you won't need to add honey or syrup. If you are using regular unsweetened hazelnut milk you will probably want to add a touch of honey or syrup to sweeten.

**A Little Note: Some separation will occur. As it cools the carob "sediment" will fall to the bottom. You can either stir it in or drink as is. Taste is not affected.

Serves two.

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