
Thursday, March 1, 2012


Actually this tea is so light and calming, almost romantic, that "latte" really doesn't do it justice. Infusion is probably a better description. This tea is fantastic used as a late-night, pre-bedtime soother. It calms anxiety and brings a sense of peace to my body. As my muscles relax and mind quiets, I know my body is saying "thank you". I also find this useful after I put my daughter down for her nap, especially on tough days.

Chamomile is one of my favorite, use for everything herbs. I put it in my daughter's diaper rash ointment, in her after-bath oil salve, in our all-purpose first aid salve, in teas and anywhere else I can sneak it in. This year I'll be attempting to grow it myself, I use it that frequently! These little flowers are famous for their calming effect on the nerves but are also a powerful all-around children's herb and especially used for colic, nervous stress, infections, and stomach disorders. Chamomile is also a great digestive aid. I use it whenever I feel an upset stomach coming on or just feel "blah". These flowers have strong anti-inflammatory properties for both internal and external use such as gastrointestinal distress or sore, achy muscles.

I use lavender in the same way I use chamomile - all the time. It's known as "a first aid kit in a bottle". Nervous disorders, like anxiety, headaches, tension, stress, and insomnia can all be aided or alleviated by lavender. You may want to keep the essential oil on hand as it is a wonderful soother for insect bites, bee stings, and burns [when mixed with honey] and is safe to use on infants and children.

My 20-month old loves this tea and I give it to her from time to time before bed or if she is unusually cranky or anxious. I choose to forego the honey when giving it to her but the real "rule" here is no honey prior to 12-months old.


1 c. water
appx. 2 tbsp. of chamomile and lavender, mixed [3 parts chamomile to 1 part lavender - you can mix a large batch and store it in a tightly sealed glass jar]
1/4 c. non-dairy milk [I love using homemade cashew milk, strained, but you can also use a seed milk if nuts pose a problem for you]
1 - 2 tsp. of honey [optional, or to taste]

Bring water to boil in a small saucepan. Remove from heat and add herbs [either loose or placed in a cotton tea bag or tea ball] to water. Let steep for 5 - 7 minutes [you will want a stronger tea].

Remove tea bags / ball or strain herbs. Add honey and non-dairy milk and warm over low heat.

If you prefer a light froth, place in a blender and secure lid. Blend on high for 20 seconds. Pour into a glass or tea cup and enjoy!

You can find chamomile and lavender here or purchase it in bulk from here. You can also find a great chamomile tea blend, "Evening Reprose", at both of these places or use Tazo Tea's "Calm" tea bags.


  1. BEAUTIFUL tea. I feel calmer just looking at it! Hope you are well!

  2. Tina, this looks amazing. If you use lavendar to aid in headaches or stres, how do you use it? As a tea?

  3. Hi Breah! For headaches I do use it in teas but I also rub a little bit of essential oil on my temples [it's one of the few essential oils you can apply directly to your skin without diluting it] and add it to homemade lotions. Hope this helps!
