
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Spring Vegetarian Stir-Fry

This past week I've been doing a 10 day elimination detox. The great thing was, I could have any vegetable almost all of the days. I came up with this green veggie (local and/or organic) spring stir-fry recipe that is delicious! I'm posting it so I don't forget what I did :)

Spring Vegetarian Stir-Fry

Olive Oil
Large bunch of kale
Large head of broccoli
1 Ib. of asparagus (appx.)
1 medium onion (I prefer sweet)
6 cloves chopped fresh garlic
1/2 tsp. crushed red peppers
1 tsp. ground ginger or 1 tbsp. fresh grated ginger
ground sea salt and pepper to taste
(I couldn't have tofu or nuts at this point in the detox but both would be great additions)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut up asparagus into 1" pieces and broccoli into small chunks. Mix both vegetables with olive oil and 3 cloves of chopped garlic in glass bowl. Spread on cookie sheet, shaking pan to get them even. Roast for about 20 - 25 minutes or until vegetables start to brown.
While veggies are roasting, cut kale into 2" long pieces. In wok or large frying pan, heat other 3 cloves of garlic with 2 tbsp. olive oil. Mix in kale and saute until deep green and tender. Add ginger and pepper flakes and saute for another minute or two.
Remove roasting veggies from oven and add to kale mixture. Toss and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serve on bed of organic brown rice. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


From time to time I come across a recipe that I have to share with the world because it is so delicious and nutritious.

Recipe from Johnny Bowden's 150 Healthiest Meals on Earth [with my own adjustments].

1 1/4 cups pitted dates (about 10 ounces)
9 T. (1/3c. plus 1/4c.) high-quality cacoa or cocoa powder or carob
1/4 c. macadamia nut oil or coconut oil
1/2 c. garbanzo or black beans [can also do half and half], rinsed and drained (or 2 cups cooked)
4 organic, pasture-raised eggs or egg substitute
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Measure dates into a liquid measuring cup and pour hot water to the 1 1/2 cup line, turning dates over with your hands until the water reaches all of the dates. Let sit for at least 10 minutes. Pour off 1/4 cup of the liquid in the dates and process the rest in a blender or food processor until it forms a smooth paste. Put the date paste into a large bowl and add the cacao or cocoa powder, oil, and agave nectar, mixing well. Combine the beans and eggs in a blender or food processor and process until very smooth. Add the garbanzo mixture to the date mixture, stirring well to combine. Add the baking powder and cinnamon, stirring to combine, and pour the batter into a 9-inch, nonstick pan or pie dish (if using glass, grease lightly with oil or Natucol). Bake for 45 minutes. Cool for at least 15 minutes, cut and serve. Store remainder in refrigerator. Yields 12 brownies.

I personally like mine really cold with coconut icecream.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Story of Stuff

This is an incredible, easy to understand look at what goes on in the creation of our stuff - definitely a MUST WATCH:

"Twinkie Tax"

Check out these articles on taxing junk food:\

It seems like 20 states have passed the bill and 11 states are still considering, however I can't find if Michigan is one of those states. Let me know if you figure it out!

What To Eat

Right now I'm reading What to Eat by Luise Light. It has been an interesting book becuase Luise worked for the USDA while a new pyramid was being designed. She was actually hired for that purpose and documents her experience - the politics that go into it. It's unbelievable that schools are giving funding for foods based on the current pyramid set by the USDA and lobbyists' for different (processed) food companies are the real brains (or money) behind the pyramid. Not only are our kids getting sub-par, kind of-sort of food (if you can call it food) but their gym, art, music, etc. are suffering - obesity is on the rise, we're teaching to test not to work and live, and food allergies / diseases are skyrocketing. The future generation(s) have a lot stacked against them.....I don't agree with everything Light says in her book but it is a great starting point and worth reading.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The Holland Farmer's Market opens this Saturday - a day I've been waiting for since last November. They have a new website: that details each of the products available along with the different farms. Knowing where and how our food is grown is critically important. The farmer's market always gets me excited about my own garden and although, I may not have one this year (life happens), I am already preparing for next season. I've begun looking at Seed Saver's Exchange ( for various organic and heirloom variety. I am stunned at how many tomatoes there are and vast arays of garlic. Check out their online catalog.