
Monday, February 27, 2012


As we soon say "hello March!" and hopefully "hello spring!" I thought I would take a moment to share a few things that have become favorites and mainstays over the last few months. Some I have stumbled upon more recently and others have been favorites of mine for quite some time and still continue to delight me.

The picture above - compliments of my husband's recent trip to LA.

This lotion because, well, I live in the North and lotion is almost equal to water in its importance this time of year.

Both of these books [this and this] have now found themselves on my "must read" list.

This soup with this socca bread using freshly ground garbanzo beans [yup, you can grind them yourself!].

This granola [I added a couple small handfuls of flax seeds half way through baking and have found I need to reduce the baking temperature] with these Just Organic Cherries and homemade cashew or pumpkin seed milk.

This breakfast and berry smoothies and this smoothie.

These raw protein bars [I used sunflower seeds in place of hemp seeds / powder and carob in place of cacao - my toddler loves these as a special treat!].

Rooibos coconut tea from here with a touch of honey and a crackling fire.

This gadget.

Found this while out and about - a fool proof plant, great air purifier, and something green to make me smile a midst all this brown and sometimes white!

These socca cakes with mustard [I used kale in lieu of spinach and it worked great].

This water bottle - the true work horse of my day.

Raw garlic: to cure anything.

And last, but definitely not least, the fresh organic Californian oranges, avocados, and lemons that my husband brought me from California - what a treat after giving up the ones that have traveled without my husband!


  1. Tina- very cool post! thanks for sharing and glad you liked the quinoa socca cakes. :) hope you are feeling well- much love <3 Stephanie

  2. Steph - they are incredibly delicious, you did a great job with these! Funny how the best meals come out of daydreams :)
