
Friday, May 24, 2013


This year we are resting our garden, a year of jubilee of sorts. The area we use to grow our goods has been worked, and pushed, and tilled, and faithful to us for around seven summers and we thought, as a way of saying thanks, we would allow it to rest. To just be. To gather steam and health and goodness for the next line of growing seasons.

This summer of celebration will hopefully allow us the time and space to do a couple things: re-design the garden, create more permanent raised beds, and feed the soil in a variety of ways [like compost and lasagna gardening - sounds delicious right?!].   

Taking a break from the seed starting, the watering, the weeding [although there is still a bit of weeding], the growing , the worrying, and all the other things that come with growing a garden has allowed me to notice the other edibles that surround where we live. What many view as weeds [myself included] are actually nutrient-dense, delicious foods that generally provide our bodies with exactly what we need when we need it. 

This inspired me to start a series of posts dedicated to these awesome edibles. To give you a little peak at what our yards and forests hold, how they can be used as both food and medicine, and hopefully inspire you to take a little walk around your yard with shovel and sheers in hand instead of the weed killer.

For each post, I'll give you the most common and recognizable name of each plant; parts of the plant used; whether the plant should be used externally, internally, or both; it's energies; medicinal uses and any precautions; and a recipe or two.

There are plenty of great herbal books out there should you choose to dive deeper [you can find a list of my favorites at the bottom of this post], so I will keep it short and simple here. 

May you walk outside with new eyes and a sense of adventure. May you find a bit of jubilee this season.

Special Note: Remember, whenever you are introducing your body to something new, educate yourself on what you are eating / using [especially if you have health issues / concerns]. Many of the herbs found here will be safe for most but each of us has a different composition and will respond to foods and herbs in our own unique way. 

[DANDELION: flower, leaves, roots]

Energy: [leaves] cool & bitter, [roots] cool, bitter, & sweet
Use: internal & external
For Infants & Children: Yes 
Precautions: some people may have an allergic reaction to the flowers and stems [generally those also allergic to chamomile and yarrow] - simply discontinue use if a rash occurs; should be avoided during antibiotic treatment; should be avoided if you have gallstones

Key Nutrients: vitamins A, B, C, and D; iron; potassium; calcium; magnesium; inulin; sesquiterpenes; carotenoids

Medicinal Uses: detoxification [one of the best liver decongestants and cleansers], blood purification and blood builder [one of the best available], aid for digestion, high vitamin and mineral content, enzyme balance, aids stomachaches, hepatitis, hypoglycemia, decreases blood pressure, anemia [again, one of the best], diuretic [especially for fluid retention], cystitis, nephritis, weight loss / appetite, energy and endurance, bladder infection, constipation, hemorrhoids, indigestion, IBS, gallstones, osteoporosis, good for reproductive organs, PMS, skin diseases / issues [acne, age spots, eczema, yellow jaundice], bodily restoration and rejuvination, cooling affect on the body

There is a reason this baby is tough to remove from your yard - all of those fighting, tenacious properties may be what make this plant such a nutritious food and powerful medicine.

Common Culinary Uses: salad greens, pasta, pesto, wilted and / or marinated greens, coffee substitute [roasted root], green drinks, wine, soups

1 package of gluten free pasta, spaghetti style
1/8 c. fresh mint, minced
1/4 c. fresh dandelion greens, washed / spun dry / cut into small strips
1/2 c. beet greens, cut into small strips
1/2 - 1 c. chard, cut into small strips
1/4 - 1/2 c. Everyday Vinaigrette [see recipe below]
1 - 2 T. dulse flakes
sea salt and pepper to taste

Cook pasta according to manufacturer instructions. While pasta is cooking, cut the greens and mix vinaigrette. When pasta is just soft [or al dente if you prefer], drain water and return pasta to pot. Quickly add vinaigrette and greens quickly tossing. Cover and let stand a few minutes to wilt the greens. Toss again. Add salt, pepper, and dulse flakes and stir well. Serve warm or cool.

This is really good served with Shaved Asparagus Salad [I half the dressing this recipe calls for because it is a bit too intense for my flavor. Start with a small amount of dressing and add until you've reached the flavor you desire. I also use Parma-Zaan in stead of Parmesan cheese].

Recipe from Grow, Cook, Eat by Willi Galloway

In a pint size jar combine:

1/4 c. white wine vinegar
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. honey or maple syrup
2 tsp. fine chopped shallot [optional]
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
1/3 c. chopped herbs
3/4 c. extra virgin olive oil

Cover tightly and shake vigorously for a minute or so. Store in refrigerator to keep longer and remove 5 - 10 minutes prior to use [oil will solidify over time].

You can also add fresh dandelion greens to this Caesar salad, green smoothie, spring detox tea, spring vegetable pasta saladsocca cakes - the options are endless!


Hands On Healing Remedies by Stephanie Tourles
Medicinal Herbs by Rosemary Gladstar
Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health by Rosemary Gladstar
The Way of Herbs by Michael Tierra
Prescription for Herbal Healing by Phyllis A. Balch
The How To Herb Book by Velma Keith & Monteen Gordon
Mother Earth Living Magazine's "All About Dandelions"

Friday, May 17, 2013


Eating seasonally has many advantages [disease prevention, budget-friendly, healthy for body and planet, etc.] but one of the greatest is the anticipation that comes with spring.

My guess is many who take on the frozen tundra [otherwise known as Michigan or any other northern state] anticipate the melt of spring - the receding plow piles, the bit of green here and there, the buds and then blossoms, the daffodils and tulips and trilliums, a green horizon. Spring is all about re-birth, newness, a fresh start that even the concrete-bound cannot ignore.

But there is something even richer about orienting your diet around the change in weather. 

By aligning my diet with the season, I've experienced an anticipation for spring that is somehow deeper, more gut-felt. Everyone can feel spring in their skin but not all experience spring in there soul.

It makes a person slow down.

Way down.

Because we've waited all year for this.

We've come through winter for this.

There is the refusal to rush.

This is why I love risotto. In the same way waiting out winter causes me to pause and enjoy every bite of spring, risotto begs me to stop and feel every bit of cooking. It puts me in front of a warm stove on a chilly spring evening and then tells me to stay and stir. That's it. Stay and stir. Risotto doesn't demand. It isn't fussy. It rarely lets me down. It simply asks that I do two things really well: stay and stir.

May you find yourself at the stove with a counter full of spring and a soul bursting with thanks for the willingness to simply stay and stir.


Ramps are one of my favorite spring-time foods mainly because they have to be foraged. I feel a touch wild when I eat them, like I'm connecting to my hunter-gatherer side [although right now I depend on other hunters to gather]. They seem pure in the best, deepest sense. Untouched by our human hands. There is beauty in what we create and do and think up as humans [and of course danger] but there is also a lot of splendor in the simple, unchanged.

So it is with ramps. Ramps sit in the onion family. They're kind of like leek meets garlic and goes wild.

They are similar to onions, leeks, and garlic in medicinal benefits - antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic and tonify the body, meaning they kind of work on that "stuck" feeling, the blahs if you will.

Essentially they are the best bang for your buck - tons of health benefits for the whole body. For free.


1/2 onion, chopped
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
2 - 4 cloves of garlic, minced

2 c. arborio rice

1 c. dry white wine or 1/4 c. white wine vinegar
6 - 8 c. of vegetable broth
1 bunch wild ramps*, chopped and separated white parts and green parts
1/3 c. chopped fresh parsley
4 - 6 c. of fresh spring greens [chard, spinach, arugula, kale]
salt and pepper to taste

Warm the oil over medium-high heat in a large pot. Add onion, ramp whites, and garlic. Stir occasionally until onion becomes translucent. In a separate pot, warm vegetable broth. Add rice to the onion, ramp whites, and garlic and stir continuously for a minute or so. Pour in white wine and stir continuously until the wine has almost evaporated completely. Now, add vegetable broth one cup at a time, waiting until each cup has evaporated before adding the next. Stir continuously. Mixture should bubble gently but not boil. Once you have worked through all of the broth [or reach the texture you desire], turn heat to low and add ramp greens, parsley, and spring greens. Stir until wilted and bright green. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


1/2 onion, chopped
2 T. extra virgin olive oil + 1 T.
2 cloves of garlic, minced
6 - 8 dried mushrooms, soaked to soften and then minced

1 1/2 c. black rice, rinsed and drained
1 c. dry white wine or 1/4 c. white wine vinegar

4 c. vegetable broth
2 - 4 c. water
1 - 2 T. dulse flakes [optional]
6 c. mix of chopped spinach, arugula, and kale
3 - 4 c. asparagus, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
sea salt and pepper, to taste

First, saute asparagus in 1 T. olive oil until bright green and tender but not soft. Set aside. Warm the oil over medium-high heat in a large pot. Add onion, mushrooms, and garlic. Stir occasionally until onion becomes translucent. In a separate pot, warm vegetable broth and 2 cups or water. Add rice to the onion, mushrooms, and garlic and stir continuously for a minute or so. Pour in white wine and stir continuously until the wine has almost evaporated completely. Now, add vegetable broth one cup at a time, waiting until each cup has evaporated before adding the next. Stir continuously. Mixture should bubble gently but not boil. Once you have worked through all of the broth [or reach the texture you desire], turn heat to low and add dulse flakes, spring greens, and sauteed asparagus. Stir until wilted and bright green. Season with salt and pepper to taste.